
We all need food to nourish ourself.But some bad food like Chocolate is such a nuisance.The sellers of bad food is rampant .After eating chocolate, the rash broke out on my skin. Unfortunitly ,I am going on an university outing tomorrow.The sellers of chocolate is the outlaws.The ravage of the outnumber outlaws makes me outrage.I am not surprise that the outlaws will drive car on the road,hit a tree and overturn.And this kind of  acident will recur themselves every year.If  the chocolate is country,I will not negotiate with it.Whatever great pact,trendy or contract.I am a resolute man.I am patriotic no-chocalate.I will tell the truth to everyone,even a pedestrian.I think the chocolate is scribbling in my stomach right now.In the other hand,I like strawberries.The picture of strawberries is serene and juicy.I usually ponder why strawberries is exit.Strawberries juicy radiates.If someone became quarrelsome,give him strawberries.If the outraged students rioted,give them strawberries.If retailers sell strawberries,I will buy.If someone gives me chocolate,I will retaliate by strawberries.When I ate Strawberries .I seem to see the swans skim across the lake.If I was old British,I would  give all my shillings to the strawberries seller.I think chocolate is pollutant.Chocolate even can cause pneumonia.Chocolate dark just like the oil inside the pipeline.If I smell the chocolate, I will run away just like the mouse dash into its slot.Now,I have the half-day slot to cure my rash.I think strawberries is good medicine,I  smack my lips to show it.Then,I ran back to kitchen and  retrieve more strawberries that I bought yesterday.Yeh!The strawberries always have plenty of nourishment.


Eden Tswa